Finding a Missing Piece in Barcelona

Once again, I visited Barcelona to attend SEIDO acupuncture seminar held on February 24th and 25th and found another missing piece about human body.

The main topic of the advanced seminar is the linkage system, which is the fundamental of SEIDO acupuncture.

In the basic seminars, we mainly learn how one acupuncture point affect one body motion or one to one relationship between two points.

This advance seminar reveals the inter-relationship between some of these acupuncture points and how a body coordinates these points in order to make a natural body motion.

You can see in the video that we make groups of 3 and try to locate acupuncture points on each other. Find me in the video!

SEIDO acupuncture puts emphasis on the precise point location. A few millimeter difference in a point location considerably affects the result of treatment. That's why we spend lots of time on locating points.


By the end of the day, attendants' bodies are covered with some artistic grafitti.


Since I have already taken all the released SEIDO seminars in Japan, I knew most of the linkages covered in this seminar.

The missing piece was the linkage between neck and hands/feet. Furthermore, hands and feet are linked to hip and upper shoulder, that link to upper back.

In SEIDO acupuncture, a neck is divided into 5 lines. The points on hands and feet are mathematically linked to these specific neck lines.

This has already helped me improving my diagnostic palpation.


SEIDO seminars are held twice a year (usually September and February) at ESCUELA LIPING DE ACUPUNTURA AND MTC. The instruction is in Japanese, translated to Spanish.


They are willing to have seminars translated to English, if there are any requests. Please leave a message here or send it directly to SEIDO association.