Workshop Report: Secret to Human Body & Health: Natural Motion Keeps Our Bodies Healthy

On February 20th, we hosted a workshop with Keiko from Breathe & Move at FloLab.

The focus of this workshop was motion/movement. We explained how the many of health issues were arose as the result of motion distraction.


Many of the health issues start with over tension and stiffness. Over tension and stiffness would distract the natural motion and would eventually lead to pain, nervous system imbalances, hormonal imbalances, and emotional disturbances.

For example; when you suffer from ear ringing, characteristic tension is built around the side of neck.

When you suffer from IBS, characteristic tension is built around the abdomen and mid back area.

These tension distracts body motion.

Acupuncture WaRan approaches to release these characteristic tension and recover the natural motion to ease the main complaint.

Breathe & Move uses body motion to release the over tension and stiffness which may lead to ease the main complaint.

Our approaches are different but our goal is the same.


I introduced some pressure points to release particular body tensions, whereas Keiko instructed some GYROKINESIS® moves for the overall health.

This was our first workshop in the Netherlands.

It was nice to have very enthusiastic guests. They all stayed for a while asking questions or talking to each others after the workshop.

Also, Flolab was the perfect place to host the workshop like this. It was a good location and right atmosphere.

We wish to host a second edition of the workshop.

We have an another workshop coming up at different location. The co-hosts are Tatami - Yoni Steam in Den Haag and HUG THE TEA. It will be about Japanese calendar system and how to live with nature. Stay tuned!