What is SEIDO Acupuncture?
SEIDO acupuncture is a relatively new acupuncture style founded in Japan. SEIDO means “Adjusting Movement.” As the name implies, SEIDO acupuncture focuses on adjusting movements whereas the majority of acupuncture styles focuses on adjusting flows (of Qi mainly). Adjusting flows does work very well for various conditions, but usually takes time to see the actual result. For example, you may feel your energy moving after a treatment, but your shoulder pain is still there. This is why many acupuncturists combine distal acupuncture (the main purpose is to adjust flows -> root treatment) and local acupuncture (the main purpose is to ease pain -> branch treatment).
Samurai Acupuncture
SEIDO acupuncture was originally derived from “Kobujutsu Seitai (=Kappo: manual reviving techniques based on ancient martial arts).” Its roots go back to the Japanese Warring States Period in 1500CE. Back then, it was crucial to move your wounded body as quickly as possible. Therefore, one of the characteristic of SEIDO acupuncture is its immediate effect.
More about Kappo: What is Kappo?
A body never works separately, but always works in linkages. The points where these linkages get cut off easily are the SEIDO acupuncture points. You feel harder to move when these linkages get cut off. This feeling will be a stress to the brain, and this stress would be a trigger for various symptoms.
When you needle these cut off linkage points (SEIDO acupuncture points), muscle linkages recover. What is interesting is that these points are arrayed systematically. It is getting clear and clear that there are some mathematical rules behind this system.
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Knee pain demo by Makoto Kurihara, the founder of SEIDO acupuncture.
It may sound like SEIDO acupuncture is only used for musculoskeletal disorders but it is also used for wide variety of disorders such as autonomic nervous system disorders, allergic diseases, gynecological disorders, and other internal diseases. This is because all the life activities including internal organs and mental activities are reflected on the musculoskeletal system. By adjusting the musculoskeletal system and recover the state in which you are able to move as you want, the internal organs and mental activities recover as well. SEIDO acupuncture treats roots and branches at the same time.
Learn more about SEIDO acupuncture here.