Importance of Thumbs: Examining Hegu (LI4)

Human thumbs move differently from the other fingers.

Human thumbs are called opposable thumbs. They are called opposable because they can be moved around to touch the other fingers, which gives people the ability to do complex tasks with hands.

The most known acupuncture point is located on a thumb. It is called Hegu (LI4). This point is used for variety of conditions. According to, the common indications of Hegu are;

・Diseases of the head and face: i.e. external pathogenic headache and bodyache, dizziness, congestion, swelling and pain of the eye, nasosinusitis, epistaxis (nosebleed), toothache in the lower jaw, trismus (lockjaw), deafness, mumps, swelling of the face, facial paralysis, facial tic, swelling of the pharnyx and aphonia (inability to speak).
・Aversion to cold, fever, febrile disease, anhidrosis (no sweating), hidrosis.
・Dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, dystocia (difficult or abnormal labor/childbirth).
・Gastric pain, abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea, dysentery.
・Hemiplegia, finger spasm, pain in the arm, infantile convulsion, manic psychosis and irritability.
・Malignant sore, urticaria, scabies.
・Every type pf pain and psychogenic tense.

I believe the complex functionality of thumb is related to this versatility of Hegu. Experienced acupuncturists naturally adjust several locations of Hegu depending on conditions. SEIDO acupuncture actually defines 5 different points around Hegu (including Hegu). Each point has different functionalities and reflection points.

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I can check the specific reflection points based on the main complaints when selecting points. This ensures the accuracy of the point selection.

Also, I can check the same reflection points after or while needling. This ensures the accuracy of the point location.

SEIDO acupuncture has greatly enhanced the level of my clinical skill.

People use their thumb when using a smartphone. Overuse of thumb can builds up muscle tension which could lead to some health conditions such as listed above.

Hegu is an useful point when treating such conditions, but an acupuncturist must select and needle the accurate point. Using the same point for all the conditions would not bring the good outcome.