I attended “Management & Mirai summit” hosted by SEIDO association on August 19th. ”Mirai” means “future” in Japanese. This summit really opended up the door for the future of acupuncture. Let me report about two important innovations introduced in the summit; “TSUBO…

The Current Situation surrounding Acupuncture in Japan 3

Continuing from the previous articles; The Current Situation surrounding Acupuncture in Japan 1 The Current Situation surrounding Acupuncture in Japan 2   Q. I am also interested in how those six conditions (any kinds of neuralgia, cervicobrachial syndrome, frozen shoulder,…

History Changing Acupuncture Medical Project in Northern Japan

History Changing Acupuncture Medical Project in Northern Japan

There has been numerous researches done attempting to prove the efficacy of acupuncture. Many results do support the efficacy of acupuncture, yet clinical practice guidelines are still inconsistent in recommendations about acupuncture. The stronger evidence of the efficacy of acupuncture…

The battle of the Milliseconds

When you hear about athletes using acupuncture, you might imagine a big muscular man with tons of needles stuck on his body. Maybe needles are stuck around where the man injured or all of his body just like a NFL…

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