Anxiety/Insomnia <40's Female>


・Started to suffer from sleeping difficulty 2 years ago.

・Doctors and psychiatrists had not found any problems, and told her it was due to stress.

・She could not think about any stress factors that could trigger the symptom.

・She was on and off with sleeping pills, but stopped taking them as she stopped seeing any specialists (it was too stressful to be told it was due to stress.)

・She had noticeable dark circles under the eyes.

・She felt that her anxiety feeling was around her stomach area.

<Other Symptoms Treated>

・Low back pain
・Tight neck/shoulder

<Main Acupuncture Points Used>

SP7, BL32, DU20, T5(3), LI10, R.TE5, L.TE9, L.玉竧

*Chinese character ones are SEIDO acupuncture original points

*T indicates a thoracic vertebra and # specifies the height. (3) indicates distance from a vertebra.


She slept better after the first treatment and it continued for a week. The circles under the eyes were much lighter on the 2nd visit. 3 bi-weekly treatments improved her condition.


There was a hard spot on the left side of her stomach area. Also, there was a hard spot on the left side of her mid. back which corresponds to the hard spot on her stomach area. The hard spot on her stomach area disappeared after two treatments. I suspect that these hard spots were disturbing her autonomic nervous system.

We use the palpation based diagnosis to treat a symptom like this case. Even if western medical examinations cannot find any problems, we might be able to find signs which your body sends.