Breech Baby <33 yrs old, 33rd week of Pregnancy>


・Not much abdominal tightening, normal fetal movements, but the baby was fixed at the breech position.

・Had cold feet, and minor leg edema


<Other Symptoms Treated>

・Lower backache
・Loose stool


<Main Acupuncture Points Used>

SP6 R.LV3 R.SP9 L.SP3 GB25 BL67(Moxibustion)



1st Vist:
・Felt the baby’s head around her right subcostal area

・The patient felt more fetal movements than usual during the treatment

2nd Visit:
・The location she felt fetal movements had shifted higher
・Felt the baby’s head around her left abdomen area below her umbilicus
・Less tight and tender spots were found

At the medical check-up 2 days later, the baby was in a head-down position for the 1st time. She delivered a healthy baby naturally.



Most of mothers who experienced acupuncture/moxibustion treatments during their pregnancy, told me that they felt more fetal movements while receiving the treatments. The baby cannot move freely if mother’s abdomen is tight. Even if there is tight spots on abdomen, I never needle the abdomen area but uses points on arms/legs and back to loosen the tightness. It is completely safe to receive acupuncture/moxibustion treatments during pregnancy. If the baby becomes too big, there will be less space for him/her to move even if the abdomen gets loose. Please consult us sooner if you are considering an acupuncture treatment for your breech baby.